Portrait Bas Relief: Harry H. Caldwell
In 2015, I had the privilege of preparing a sculpted bas relief plaque to honor Harry H. Caldwell, who founded the International Association for Identification in 1915. The occasion was the 100-year anniversary of this prestigious organization, which is the oldest and largest forensic association in the world.
The bas relief commemorative plaque is 8 inches in diameter and depicts Inspector Harry H. Caldwell of the Oakland, California Police Department's Bureau of Identification. It is Caldwell who is credited with the founding of the International Association for Identification in 1915. He then continued to devotedly serve the organization for several decades and is considered to be the father of today's IAI.
The plaque was commissioned for the occasion of the 100-year anniversary of the IAI by Steven L. Johnson, IAI President from 2014-2015. I prepared this informational document to be included with each plaque.
More than forty plaques were made so the process involved a good deal of work. Expert casting work was done by Shane Walker at France Casting in Colorado. I am indebted to Shane for his beautiful efficient work and skillful attention to detail.
The plaque is mounted on a 10" circular base and can be either hung or displayed on a small easel. My special talented husband, David, did all of the woodwork on the bases. I opted to keep them clean and simple so as not to detract from the subject's face. Funny how those round specs come and go over time...love them!
I prepared presentation boxes and then shipped the plaques to Sacramento, California in time for the 100th Educational Conference from August 2-8, 2015.
President Johnson presented the plaques to various dignitaries and friends of the organization. I was so proud to see these examples of my work then travel to various corners of the world. Since I have been a member of the IAI since the mid-1980s, it was a real joy for me to complete this project. I was grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this special centennial celebration.